emerging freakout

After a few glasses of wine at my friend Kim’s house I went home, did a bit of cleaning in my bathroom, and settled in to bed to watch Letterman. At some point my right hand grazed the right side of my neck – which was slightly tilted – and I felt a small but noticeable lump. I happened to have my Kaiser card as well as my MD’s biz card nearby. There’s a history of Lymphoma in my family and during the course of my volunteer work with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society I’ve heard dozens of stories that start off just like this. So I called the appointment/advice number on the Docs biz card. And now, here I am, at Kaiser, in the E.R. Hope it turns out to be nothing…I’m a little freaked out to say the least.

2 Responses

  1. Hey Ksnyde,

    I hope and pray that it’s nothing serious. I think it’s probably poker related, like all those gulps when you’re racing for your chips type of thing…lol.

    In any event I hope that you and your family/loved ones have a happy and healthy holidays!

  2. waiting for chest x-ray results. blood tests all came back ok. freakout averted!!

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